STATS 101 Brainstorm

Note to self:

I need to make this my own. Be thoughtful about the order and topics here.


What is Statistics?

  1. What is Statistics?
  2. Population vs. Sample
  3. Categorical vs. Quantitative Variables

Gathering Data

  1. Surveys
    1. Introduction
    2. SRS
    3. Other Sampling Designs
    4. The Valid Survey
    5. The Invalid Survey (Bias, etc.)
  2. Experiments & Observational Studies
    1. Observational Studies
    2. Experiments
    3. Experiments: Control Groups
    4. Experiments: Blocking
    5. Lurking and Confounding Variables

Displaying & Describing Data

  1. 5 Number Summary
    1. Median
    2. Min & Max
    3. Quartiles
    4. Range & IQR
  2. Mean & Variance
    1. Mean
    2. Variance
    3. Standard Deviation
  3. Data Visualization
    1. Stem-and-Leaf Plots
    2. Dot Plots
    3. Histograms
    4. Mosaic Plots
    5. Bar Charts
    6. Histograms
    7. Scatter Plots
  4. Shape
    1. Modes
    2. Skew
    3. Outliers
    4. Outliers: Mean vs. Median
    5. Outliers: Range vs. IQR

The Normal Model